COVID-19 Resource Center

Information about COVID-19 continues to evolve. Learn more about this vital topic here.

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Weight Management

Are you at a weight that lets you feel and look your best? If not, it’s time to start managing your weight. The good news is that to lose weight, you don’t have to diet. But you may need to learn new skills. Find out how to lose weight safely and keep it off for good.

Pregnancy & Newborns

Pregnancy is an exciting time for parents-to-be. You want to know as much as you can about your developing baby and how your actions will affect his health. Use this information to help you make informed decisions from conception through delivery.

Women's Health

Enjoy good health at every age: know your body and how it works, eat well and stay active, and follow a plan for disease prevention.


    Each year, more than a million Americans die of heart attacks and other forms of heart disease. Low-dose aspirin therapy is one weapon in the arsenal against heart disease that also includes healthy dieting, adequate exercise, and not smoking. Learn more about aspirin's role in combating heart disease by taking this quiz

    BMI, or body mass index, uses weight and height to calculate weight status for adults. BMI for children and teens also takes into account gender and age because healthy body fatness differs between boys and girls and changes as they grow. This BMI calculator will help you determine if your child is at a healthy weight.

    Most people get an occasional bout of heartburn—that burning feeling in the chest about a half-hour after eating. But if you get it often, you may have GERD.


      Arthritis in the lower back and pelvic area can cause pain and loss of motion. See how this arthritis develops, who's at risk, and what treatments can help.